Friday, August 31, 2012

July POD

The month of July was a crazy month for me.  If I wasn't working, I was cleaning and moving houses.  It's a bit late, I know, but in the last hour of the month, I am getting last month's pics up!

At the end of the month, my brother and his girlfriend and I took a roadtrip across the country to New York.  It was an epic adventure with it's ups and downs but fun none the less.

Here's an awkward pic of my dear friend Jackie.  Jackie and awkward are synonomous -- her words, not mine.  She's living the life up in Brooklyn now and one morning I went and picked her up and we drove to Jones Beach.

Ethan, Alex and I then drove upstate and stopped at my cousin Alli's graduation party.  I snapped this photo of Ethan and Alex there.  I feel like it captures the essence of the two of them perfectly.

I love this moment with my Nana and Auntie.  My Aunt Lynda is now taking care of my Nana full time and it's really nice to see our family taking care of each other.

My Nana has an undeniable spark about her.  I hope that if I have the privilege to live as long as she does, I will have as good of an attitude as she does.  I love her so much!

I took a walk around the lake one evening and stopped and admired this view.  If I could describe Lake Luzerne in one word it would be peaceful.  It definitely provided some TLC to my soul.

We spent a lot of time watching TV together.  I'm not a huge fan of television but there are moments when it seems perfect.  We started the trip off watching Forrest Gump and then watched the Olympics every night.

This last photo is a self portrait I took in Montreal.  I have always wanted to go to Montreal -- it's only about two and a half hours from the lake.  Ethan and I took a day trip up and had a great time.  I can't wait to share a few more pics from there.

Summer is starting to wind down now.  Three-fourths of the dragon year is almost over and it has been wonderful.  I can't wait for the Fall!

Later Gator.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Yeah Buddy!

If you follow my photography, you must know by now that I loooovvvveeeeee texture!

If I could eat this image.  I would.

Nom.  Nom.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am fascinated by the strength of this light.
It burns through the mirror,
Allowing no image to gather -
No data to align.
It's like fire through paper -
A flame that leaves me blind.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Recently I've been thinking about what it means to be brave;
Or more poignantly, how to not be afraid.

Sometimes I catch myself being afraid over truly silly things.
                                                         We are our own thought dreams.