Monday, January 31, 2011

Old Photo

I've been going through stuff and I found this photo. It was taken in Germany. This guy was our bus driver. It was a nice moment.

I have tons of photos. It's incredible. I will be posting more of this trip soon.

Friday, January 28, 2011

West Fest

I might have posted some of these back when I went to West Fest in 2009.

If I did, I apologize...

But not really.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I decided to enroll into Photo 1 this semester at ACC. I can already tell it is going to be an amazing class.

It's the first photo class that will actually have art as the main idea (I'm trained in photojournalism). I'm super pumped.

The class is all in b/w film so I have a hot date with the dark room for the next few months.

Today we created photograms. Basically, you do that by placing objects on the photographic paper and then exposing the light to capture the object's silhouette and depth. It's a great way to start to understand the idea and philosophy behind printing.

Here are the ones I did today:

Photograms were especially popular with the surrealists. Man Ray was one of the big fans of this technique. He called them "rayographs" though. Hah.

This one I especially like. It looks like a face!

Our class will be doing this some more on Monday. Yay for school!

Days Like These

Life continually tests you. It ebbs and flows. Gives and takes. It's rough in some spots and calm in others.

There is a pattern, but it's always flexible. It can change at any given moment to any given speed in which you have no other choice but to change with it.

You can fight it. Hate it. Wish it was over. Tell yourself it's pointless.

You can refuse to see the depth of it. Ignore the coincidences in it. Become apathetic towards it. Restrict it to another unmentionable four letter word that is reserved for nights at the bar.

But as for me, on days like these,
I like to sit and stare at the ocean
And notice the details of an ancient substance
That exposes truths and whispers them through the wind.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some Late Afternoon Youtube-ing

I've always wondered about the process of screen printing. So today, I found a video explaining the process:

You should check out MAKE's blog if you get a chance. There are tons of different stuff to read and watch.

Guest Pic of the Week: Janeffer Cherian

Janeffer took this with her phone. Her dog is a mythical beast. He definitely deserves to be featured. =)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Afternoon

I was readying Paulo Coelho's blog and he posted this by Khalil Gibran. I thought it was interesting.

Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you,
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
asliving arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.


We're all just children at the end of the day.


I gotta get away.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Funday

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I've been doing what I do. I worked last night at the restaurant for the first time in a month. I was so out of practice, but I enjoyed the challenge of it.

These are few pictures from the first part of my trip in New Zealand. The first one was taken at a boat dock in Auckland.

I love shooting at night. The artificial light gives the object and it's color a new personality.

This was taken in the morning at our friend's house north of Auckland. I just like the feel of it. It definitely captured the experience of that day.

The land at the farm we were staying at flooded one night. We went down to go see it. It was cold and my lens fogged up.

The weather has been all over the place lately. New Zealand's winter is much like ours...but it's more consistent. I miss it! Texas is straight up bipolar.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Praying Mantis

Greeneville, TN

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My day has been filled with rearranging and reorganizing. It occurred to me today that I never officially unpacked when I moved into my house. That is a problem.

Good thing I have a lot of time to fix it right now. =)

Joni's been keeping me company. She thinks she's queen. It's awesome.

Pic of the Week: Haha

This might be one of the oddest images I have.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Still Life
Austin, TX

Monday, January 17, 2011

100th Post!'s the 100th post! That's kind of exciting!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Mine has been busy. We've been rearranging and reorganizing our house all week. The house looks successfully different.

Jill baked some amazing peanut butter cookies.

Janeffer, Brad and I went to Enchanted Rock and got to spend some quality time outside.

It was peaceful out there.

Oh and my tulips are blooming!

Happy Monday and MLK Day!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm Ready...

for a solitary road.

I'm looking for some place...
I can be alone and grow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stressed Out

I realized today that when I'm bored, I stress myself out to occupy my time.

Next time this happens, I'm going to channel that excess energy into something more positive and productive.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pic(s) of the Week: Shout Out to Khaki D

This pic of the week is a shout out to Khaki! This lady is amazing. She's raising these guys and doesn't get enough credit.

I babysat all day yesterday for her. I took the kids to Inflatible World (a story in and of itself) and when I brought them back to the house she had this set up.

So sweet.

If you're looking for another blog to read, I recommend hers:

Always sweet, funny and honest. =)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Last Christmas Post

This is my momma's tree. She always does an epic tree every year. This one was exceptionally nice.

This is one of my favorite ornaments. It's been around for as long as I can remember.

Max got a late Christmas present.

Joni didn't want anything to do with him, so he was left to stare intently at her.

This is my momma. She's awesome and I miss her already.

Love you momma!

An homage to Joseph...

This is my friend Joseph.

To know him is to love him.

We go waayyy back...since the days of old italia.

Yeah. I'm talking about you Joseph.


Yeah...that guy is epic.

Oh yeah...and also a creeper.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tunnel Vision

Taken somewhere in Tennessee.

Monday, January 3, 2011

POD December: Friday: 12/24/10

Well, I managed to pull off another pic-of-the-day week! Yay! I am excited about my progress in discipline. Now that the holiday seasons are officially over, I have had time to post them up!

Enjoy this month's week!

Pic of the Day:

Cheri's Tree
Frisco, TX

It's become tradition over the past few years for us to spend Christmas Eve with some of my Dad's friends. They had a really nice tree this year complete with presents. Great people, great food and great conversation.

Saturday: 12/25/10

Midnight Light
Plano, TX

I don't go to church to often anymore, but I try to make it out every Christmas Eve to the midnight service. I love the lights. I love the tradition and ritual of the Christmas Eve service. It's always a good reminder of the power of light. I only snagged one picture before my brother glared at me and told me to stop. Hah.

Sunday: 12/26/10

Tyler & Rob: Couple of the Decade
Dallas, TX

It's interesting how in life, people stick around. This post is dedicated Tyler and Rob. They've been best friends forever. You cannot hate them. You can try...but it will not happen. Guaranteed.

It was so nice to be able to see old friends. I keep talking about that but they seriously cannot be replaced. If you have friends that you've known for over 10 years...they're going to be there forever. I am convinced.

Monday: 12/27/10

Winter Leaves
Plano, TX

This was taken the same night as this week's pic of the day image. As we were walking back from the bench, I became infinitely fascinated by the leaves on the ground. A frost was starting to cover them and I had to stop and take some photos.

Tuesday: 12/28/10

Plano, TX

So, I'm trying this new thing called "following-through." I told myself I would do a pic-of-the-day at least once every month. On Tuesday, I had to force myself to go out and do it. I called my friend Sarah up and asked her if she wanted to go on an adventure with me. This was the product of the adventure.

I'll count this experience as a win for me.

Wednesday: 12/29/10

Lines and Circles
Dallas, TX

I took this when I went and visited my friend Morgan down in Dallas. His roommate collects and restores old BMW or something to that affect. I snapped a picture really quickly as we were contemplating life on his porch.