Monday, October 22, 2012

Zola Jesus

I had a great time at ACL last weekend!

 I snagged this photo of Nika aka Zola Jesus after she jumped off stage and ran through the crowd.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September POD

September is one of those months that I look forward too.  Summer ends, school begins -- things cool down and one can begin to ease up and enjoy the, it means my favorite month is just around the bend (and is now here!).

I've been working on getting access to a darkroom here in town, so in celebration for achieving that goal in September, I present to you some color film images from a roll I took in May of 2011.

I didn't expect how emotional I felt towards seeing this roll developed.  That's the fun in film though.  It isn't instant.  You forget what's on it.  

I'll be developing more old rolls this month.  I can't wait to see them!