Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have two free hours of time right now. What am I going to do with it?

I've been exploring the idea of controlling time -- mostly I've been trying to figure out how to slow it down so I can actually do everything I want to do and everything I need to do. One trick I've found is to make what I want and what I need be the same. It's more efficient.

However, it takes practice and it takes discipline. You also have to spend time thinking about what your time is worth, what time means to you, how time makes you feel, etc. I used to really get anxious about time. If I had to do something important that put pressure on me, I used to get terribly nervous and anxious. I realized though, that those feelings of anxiety and nervousness were the same physical feelings of excitement -- I just needed to change my mental label of the feeling.

It's helped tremendously.

In regards to time, it's helped me realize that the super important event that was coming would simply come and then go and it should be looked at no differently than any other typical/non-emotional event in my life. It would have a beginning, middle and then an end and I would be placed back into the life that I had been in before. What was the big deal? Why was this event causing me to be anxious? No reason. It was just in my head.

I've started to use my camera as a form of meditation. I'm taking film this semester and the art is all about the relationship of time and light. It's making me slow down and think. I highly suggest shooting in film and spending time in the darkroom. It keeps your mind calm.

I took this picture of the moon earlier this month. I used a telescope lens from my film camera and held it to my Canon. It did a pretty good job. I took it out in front of Mackie's house in Dublin, Texas. We all went camping out on her land. It was such a good experience. I'll be posting a few pictures from that sometime soon.

It's important to spend energy processing what happens in your life. Not only do you have to recognize and understand your own feelings, but it's important to be aware of how your actions affect other people. Photography is all about perspective. It's all about finding different perspectives and exploring ideas and feelings and intuition. For me, that's the most enjoyable part of the art.

Now, it's time to focus. =)


New Season
Austin, TX

Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Posts in a Day

I have so much to post! I'm just now having some time to photo edit so I think I will just post as I finish my edits.

My friend and I went to go see Union Specific play at Jax off of Guadalupe last week. I was able to reconnect with a friend of mine from high school. Although, sadly, we were meeting there to see her friends play for the last time before she moved to a new city.

She is awesome.

We drank beer and were merry together.

We then hit up Spiderhouse and watched people play with fire.

It was an excellent time all around. I definitely would see Union Specific again. They have a solid country-indie sound that makes me want to dance. They're playing tonight at the Saxon Pub around 11:30. If anyone has the urge to go, you should. They're good. =)

Past Prayers

I had the opportunity to go out to The Ghost Room a few weeks ago and photograph Past Prayers. I must say, I enjoyed myself immensely.

Here are some of the best from that night:

The lead singer of Past Prayers is also playing tonight at 10 at Club de Ville with his other band Grand Champeen. You should check it out if you're looking for something to do tonight!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Guest Pic of the Week: Mackie Bays

Taken by Mackie Bays

I love this picture of me. I'm starting to realize that it is super important to look and have photos of yourself. As a photographer you spend so much time watching and observing other people that you forget the importance of looking at yourself. Taking the time to reflect on and appreciate your own soul is vital to being able to enjoy life. You must be comfortable looking at pictures of yourself.

If you can't then it's time to work on it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I bet...

I bet you can't guess how I got this image.

Austin, TX

Here's some Regina lyrics to help you out:

"And the sea is just a wetter version of the sky."

It better be obvious now. =)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pic of the Week: Happy Thursday!

C'est la vie
Paris, France

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Self Portrait 2011

Self Portrait 2011
Austin, TX

I never realized how important self portraits were until I really started to take some time to work on myself. A little over a year ago, I decided it was time to let go of some things and really and truly be honest with myself. It's been an amazing journey but I can now say I am a completely different person. Same soul, just more in tune with myself and the people around me.

Anything worth doing in life takes time and hard work.

I can honestly say that I have been experiencing the benefits of working hard and being patient and taking the time to take care of yourself. There is a difference between being selfish and respecting yourself. Too many people confuse the two and I am so glad I have become aware of the difference between them. Life is too short to make excuses for your actions. Just quit the bullshit and change. Taking responsibility for your excuses is the hardest part. After that, everything becomes easy.

The only person you can change is yourself.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mackie B.

I love this girl so much. We met at UT and become instant friends. If you like my work, you will love hers.

If you know her you are blessed.

Check out her work at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tonight's Share

I have had an incredibly interesting day today. It was full, rich and good. It had it's highs and it had it's lows, but most importantly, it was challenging. I was forced to think today. I was forced to put myself outside of my boundaries, to change my perspective and look at the world through many different people's eyes.

I've been learning a tremendous amount of important things over these past few months. I could get into the nitty gritty of it or we can just talk the next time I see you. As my brother said, "we are put on this earth to talk to people, why else would we be here?"

The reason for this post is to share something I read in Rolling Stone today. I thought it was inspiring and full of truth and very optimistic. It is incredibly positive and definitely makes you think about how the world has changed, and how we are going to choose to respond to it.

Here ya go:

We surf the Internet.
We swim in magazines.

The Internet is exhilarating. Magazines are enveloping. The Internet grabs you. Magazines embrace you. The Internet is impulsive. Magazines are immersive. And both media are growing.

Barely noticed amidst the thunderous Internet clamor is the simple fact that magazine readership has risen over the past five years. Even in the age of the Internet, even among the groups one would assume are most singularly hooked on digital media, the appeal of magazines is growing.

Think of it this way: during the 12-year life of Google, magazine readership actually increased 11 percent.

What it proves, once again, is that a new medium doesn't necessarily displace an existing one. Just as movies didn't kill radio. Just as TV didn't kill movies. An established medium can continue to flourish so long as it continues to offer a unique experience. And, as reader loyalty and growth demonstrate, magazines do.

Which is why people aren't giving up swimming, just because they also enjoy surfing.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pic of the Week: An Apocalyptic Haiku

The world will end soon.
We cannot eat computers,
Or televisions.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fingers Crossed For A Snow Day has been fun. I got a lot accomplished.

My friend Glen and I went on a winter walk today. Here are a couple of shots from it:

This tree was oldddd! Too bad they cut it down. No bueno.

Pretty leaf!

After he left, I just hung out at the house.

Todd made us some dinner! It was a taco pie! So good!

Tyler brought us some Newcastle. Tasty.

He's basically a big kid.

Oh and it started to ice. =)

Hopefully, we can spend another day at home.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

POD January: Tuesday: 01/25/11

January pic-of-the-day week was a little bit of a disappointment. I have been spending a lot of time at home now reorganizing everything. All these pictures were taken at my house. I did not venture far this month.

Pic of the Day:

Naked Dresser, Dirty Desk
Austin, TX

Late night projects are getting me through this time of unemployment. I have been given the gift of time these past few weeks. I am enjoying thoroughly going through all of my things. Organizing feels good.

Wednesday: 01/26/11

Blue Eye Creepin'
Austin, TX

Oh Marley. She's so much fun to photograph. Her blue eye is coming out of the shadows in the picture. You have got to admire her ability to look as wild as possible -- even when she's being a sweet, docile puppy.

Thursday: 01/27/11

Tiger Stripes
Austin, TX

Man, I got desperate during this week. These are of the closet door in the hallway. I had to get creative. I like the movement and depth in the image though.

Friday: 01/28/11

Austin, TX

I love me some art. These are my supplies -- pens, pencils, paints. I love them all. =)

Saturday: 01/29/11

Ugh...I didn't take one for today.



It happens though. I'll do better next month. It's just takes practice. I kept telling myself I'd do it later and then I never did...

Oh well. That's why I have this blog anyway -- to keep myself accountable.

Sunday: 01/30/11

Early Morning Spectating
Austin, TX

I love Marley's infinite amount of curiosity. She's such a great dog and provides great early morning company. She was just as into watching the runners pass by as I was. SPECTATOR BUDDIES!

Monday: 01/31/11

Pretty Kitty
Austin, TX

Yup, Joni. She knows what's up. We're starting to get to know each other. She's letting me see her personality. I love her. She loves me. Well, really, she loves anyone who will feed her. Haha...cats. They're ridiculous.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Austin 3M Half Marathon

Sunday morning I was awoken by cheering outside of my house.

The Austin 3M Half Marathon was in full force. We were located at mile 10. It was a great way to start the day. Maybe next year I'll participate in it. I only need to add 6.8 miles onto my run. It shouldn't be too hard.